Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Blake the Black Labrador Puppy 

Newer Photo's uploaded in front of these.

Blake Photo's from 3 weeks to 15 months from this point down.

Our first meeting, his name was Randy. He was 3 weeks old.
Blake's 1st day at work with me. 5 weeks old.

I love, love, love the grass!!

I am pretty sure that if I try hard enough I can squeeze under there.

How much longer do we have to be here before we can go play?

Are you lookin' at me?

Why do you keep putting that thing in front of your face?

Terri Jacobson did a great job making me look handsome
My first Autumn at 6 months
Wanna go swimming with me?

Blowing Bubbles is sooo much fun!!!!

Gimme that stick

Now you gimme that

I mean it that is my stick!

Getting to be a handsome guy don'tcha think?

Gotta love the beach!!!
My first snow at Mt. Hood

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